Quickly browsed the threads and found some useful info already ( Post: Sailing Songs sailing songs), which is sometimes a nice start for what I need.

I am currently working on a sailing & other 'water-related' website, as I am a passionate sailor myself (sorry guys, no cat although I do like the speed and hard work). One of the sections will contain pages on celebrities who are/were into sailing, such as Humphrey Bogart, Neil Young or John Glenn (astronaut). Celebs can be from all walks of life/fame; writers, artists, musicians but also politicians, astronauts, scientists or ...

If any of you know of any celebrities, please let me know. Please include as much (specific) info (keywords!!!) as possible such as i.e.
  • names of boats,
  • regattas in which they competed,
  • specific journeys/logs,
  • websites (or other publications) with interviews in which they also reflect on sailing
  • etcetera etcetera.

All suggestions are welcomed. I'll expect most of you will understand, my site focuses around true sailing & other 'water-related', so it's all WIND-sailing and not motorboatin'. You can also suggest celebs who like to wildwater-raft, waterski or scuba-dive or any other water-related sport, as long as it's not motorboatin' for the thrill of the motorboat.

Fare (sail) well, greets from Skipper