Dave, Mary, Thanks Exactly the kind of info I need. Was unsure on Bob Seger, knew of the Kennedy's (remarkably also a lot of the Kennedy ladies) and didn't yet have the others.

As to Mary's most kind offer on the Buddy Ebsen article: I will defntly take you up on this and I am most endebted. A multitude of thanks. On your mention of the Kennedy's, I know that also some of the Kennedy ladies are passionate about sailing, which I find remarkable. Your mention of them, and my association with the lady Kennedys triggered the Question (Why) Is sailing a stag thing? for which I've just started a new thread.

Furthermore, I must apologize for barging in here without a proper introduction. So keen on posting my question that I totally forgot to compliment founders (and contributors) of this out-of-sight for puttin life and liveliness into this websight (again no typo). Glad I've found it and hope to be able to contribute some valuable posts. Hope all of you get to me know a bit better soon.

Although My Bio is meant for this, common decency urges me to shortly introduce myself. Passionate sailor ... Sorry not a Cat, but a 22ft Etap, but I do at times envy all yee catsailors for the close contact with the elements. After all, sailing is not about gettin a tan, it's about gettin wet. I'm 35, born in the US, bred in the Netherlands where I still live. Most recently employed in ICT, ex- a lot of other trades and professions due to my wandering spirit. Currently recovering from car-crash. Anxious father-to-be (first time), 'berth'-day expected the end of May.

As to my original question, Who knows Celeb Sailors, all other suggestions are of course still more than welcome.

Last edited by Skipper; 04/18/04 05:00 AM.

Fare (sail) well, greets from Skipper