Hi Tim:
<br>Just got back from a wonderful sail. Just a tad under 80 degrees, and a steady 15-18. Ah, so nice to live on the coast of Florida and sail year round.
<br>I don't feel that you would intentionally make a statement about someone that you did not know, in a negative light.
<br>As I stated in my original post, I wanted to express an opinion. That opinion centered around "one" of the numerous factors that we feel contribute to the decline of the beach cat use.
<br>My point was that if catsailing is not a priority in one's life, then what does it matter if you can't find a place to launch, find the price of cats are too expensive, have a problem finding time, can't afford new sails..............?
<br>In my post, I made no reference to Hobie Cat, Rick White or Murrays. That was someone else's post.
<br>Ask anyone on this forum, that knows me, and you will find that I promote catsailing in our area with a cause. Since I sail on an average of 2 to 3 days a week,year round, I don't spend too much time in that armchair.

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