Hi Phil,

use of Aclass VYC yardstick for F16 oneup was my suggestion to race controler. VYC will not give rating for F16HP till we have some reults. It was my understanding that f16HP oneup should be similar speed to Aclass and knowing that most A's have trouble sailing to Glen's? Yardstick I thought it would be safe starting point, nobody could argue it was to easy. Remember VYC is performance based yardstick. At this stage I am not worried about handicap. Just want to race faster boats to try to tune up Altered, see what oneup can do at front of fleet.

My understanding on Hobie 18's with kite is, they have used them but had some problems with breakages at bow. Don't know what. Interesting part of conversation after race with 18's was that top Oz 16's would probably have beaten them to windward especialy in flatter water.

Regards Gary.