You are wrong, I do occasionally race on a 20' boat.

So inform me.
Which classes does ISAF regulate?
Who, at ISAF, does the regulating?
Where are the regulations?

Which classes does ISAF control?
How does it control them?

Where does ISAF post Class rules?
Who is responsible for maintaining the library?

I read many forums, here and other websites.
I post on many forums here and at other websites.
You have no authority to tell me or anyone else when they can post.

"look back"?
How about if I count back?
Before this thread, you have posted 15 times on this forum since 3/22/02.
That is 37 months.
One could surmise that a person who only posts once every three months, is not following a forum very closely.
But my suggestion stands, because your original post raises issues that were discussed long ago and delt with.

You shouldn't whine when you get a response you don't like.