We discussed this design in the "Will this adjustable trapeze system work?" thread last month.
Robi posted a picture of his design, which is functionally identical to your design, and the consensus was that it did not work properly.
Even Bob Curry, who is a world class sailor and has won more races than you have attended, stated so IN BOLD.

So when you tack you swing in off the wire, lean forward and grab the little bungee hook off the tramp, hook it to the dogbone, struggle to unhook the dogbone, move to the other side of the boat, struggle to hook the dogbone, unhook the bungee hook, and jump out on the wire?
And you think that is easier and more failure resistant than, swing in off the wire, knock the dogbone off with a swipe of the hand, move to the other side of the boat, hook the dogbone, and swing off the boat?

Your system is more expensive than the one I use.

You keep dredging up old, failed designs to make yourself appear "innovative".
You only hurt your class and make a fool of yourself.

A few old, simple rules:
"Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"
"To become the best, you must learn from the Best"

"I personally distrust spectra. Everybody tells me Dyneema and spectra are the same fibre, but I don't believe that.
That is probably the most arrogant statement you have ever made (and that covers alot).
So now you are a chemical engineer who KNOWS that absolutely everybody in the line and rigging business is lying.
That there is some kind of global conspiracy to trick you into I don't know what.

Swiftcord is a blended line of Dyneema SK75 and Cordura woven in a standard 12 braid by Maffioli.
Excel D12 is a pure Dyneema SK75 woven in a standard 12 braid by Marlow.

When referring to the "taper" in a sheet or line, it means the length of the section which is smaller in diameter than the section which is handheld.
Layline has had it in their catalog for 15-20 years-
And Annapolis Performance Sailing-
"Buried taper" refers to physically taperring the end of a line to be buried in a splice. Usually only 1-2 feet long.