Hi Keith

There are 3 bills ,--do any wonder why the other 2 bills and their authors were not the subject of A political web site with red lettering of their names with large Xs across weather maps and all the political disinformation? Why the false political targeting ,-what are the motives of such people ?
Isn,t the unethical behavior and attempt to dupe sailors for political purpose on an issue of importance cause for investigation of the people responcible and should not there be repercussions for their falsification and disinformation ?.

Sighting reason real or imaginary to worry if a bill is passed does not dismiss the disinformation perpetrated on the sailing public .

-There are numerous reasons to enact Senate bill 786

The potential for huge waste and duplication of services already provided at no taxpayer cost by existing weather service sectors --and the selling or profitting from govt information are among numerous reasons why the bill should be enacted now and all weather info made available in real time to all .
Please read http://wwwa.accuweather.com/promoti...mp;traveler=0&dir=aw&page=cwsapr

Profitting of individuals in govt by providing selected information or only making it available to some and not others is unethical ---and reason for acting on the bill. The alternative as suggested of not doing anything seems negligent at best.

note:-the disinformation web never linked to the bill though stated link to bill -it just lead to more of the same misinformation.

Repercussions directed at the web should include the reputiation of false desemination of information and the distain of such acts,-particularly on non political general recreational forums ,- and those that emulate and duplicate the pathologies of political disinformation on the public.

The lack of principles involved in this type of politically motivated enterprize and general adjenda of falsification is disturbing ,-as are the politicians involved or those who will attempt to profit politically from it .

Real honest inteligent diologue is needed with factual complete information in able to grasp all aspects of problems we face as a nation and world to enable us to solve the numerous problems we and future generations face .

We do have the best weather information system in the world readily available to us -90% of which is through existing private sector sources in place for several decades ,always improving with doplar radar and other expensive technical updates to systems and vast commication networks.