Carl, now you are really on a rant. UN, North Korea, "Oil for food". Whow, we are (as you noted) pretty far from discussing comercialization of yet another public service

I live in a european country whose population twice have refused to join the EU trough a popular vote. We are pretty much widely exposed to pro/con EU arguments (major TV debates before every election to our congress, and all the time else). I also regularly read the Fox News website, who you referred to, and I must say that it reminds me more of propaganda than news, as viewed from my relatively safe place 'over the pond'.
Consider that your view on the UN is based on the news you are exposed to. As the UN finds your GOP policies abhorrent, and says so, your politically influenced media does it's best to convince you about the UN's failure. (I am not sure our media is much better, but at least they dont let political parties buy and create newsstories yet)
Bill O'Reilly is probably the best (worst?) spin doctor I have seen in a long time..

Now, I have provoked you a bit, but I guess you can handle it

Personally, I think that some services better be provided by the state, funded by tax money. Weather forecasting is one of them. Both for extreme weather warning reasons (who owns and launches the weather satelites) and availability of equally good warning systems all over the country.