If your beams are creeping you might look into some green pvc pipe as a sleeve. I have seen this used with the delrin shims removed and new holes drilled. Its a cheap method for solid beams but he uses a tilt trailer as well. . Haberman probably has some replacements that would be better as well as alot of other improvements and retain the telescoping aspect.

I like the 22 better in winds under 12 mph but just don't see it much around here. Seems that when it blows here its 15-25 with gusts or gradually turns into that... The 20 handles that with ease especially when sailing with main alone. I bought a set of high wind sails that were designed by Haberman/Posey as well as a Furling spin from GM Sails thats about 450sqft instead of the 615 sqft stock spin. They tame it down a bunch but you always get the dumb a.. questions about being able to handle the boat...

If you're single handing be advised the 38.5ft mast I have weighs 86lbs according to Aquarius spec sheet furnished with the manual. So watch that flying high because that much weight up top can pull you over. Of course with evrythinag all sealed its easy to right it without leaving the high hull...
