Hey Jake,

Thanks for your thoughts. It amazes me how dumb I can be without applying much effort. It never occured to me that I could stand on the tramp bottom. And they said sailing would make me mentally sharper

Also, I was wondering what you think about loosening the down haul as Wouter suggested? I guess I'm a little skeptical about having an F17 readily pop up over on its' side, from a turtle position, unless you know somebody who's already done it. I weigh 165 dripping wet and don't have enough weight to bring it back up when its' only on its' side. I always uncleat the traveler and main sheet before I even get up on the hull. A number of guys (heavier than me) have also tried and they can't right it either.

The reason I was so interested in this thread to begin with, is because of my inability to get the boat up once it's gone over. It really adversely affects my ability to sail hard because I know if I go over, I'm stuck until someone on the lake comes to my rescue. Especially when I'm downwind I hold the boat back, specifically so I won't pitch pole. Guess I'll have to get my butt in gear and make a water bag. So far I haven't wanted to pay eighty bucks for a couple dollars of materials.
