Utah, Regardless of political views, or whether humans are influencing the global warming that is taking place,or if that impacted this storm, what gets me too, is that the government knew this was going to happen in N.O.(I refer to the flooding, and not this particular storm) All of them knew it was coming. The locals to the Feds of both parties. Typically, nobody in the government would own up and begin to take responsibility in the situation. Then to top it off, we, the United States couldn't muster a better evacuation? That is too pathetic! It is a crime. But that is the way so much of our business is conducted today. No thought of cosequence to others, only personal gain or loss. Maybe Katrina's wakeup call will do some good. I sure hope so! In contrast, I sure am proud of many Americans and their responses. Just look at those Teaxas City guys!