Jimbo is right on the money here. The Fed has no right to do anything unless asked by the state. Remember that we are the United STATES. That is 50 states that united together independent of eachother.

Here is a good web blog from inside NO during the disaster. http://mgno.com/

There is one person to blame and that is the Governor of LA. She needed to take quick and decisive action to ask for help quickly and direct rescue operations.

Here is a good read on the disaster written prior to Katrina posted by John W.

There were a few disasters waiting to happen in the US. This was one of them. Another is a San. Fran. Earthquake and yet another is a Hurracane in NY City.

The Mayor didn't exactly help the situation either. He could have done more but I blame his inexperience in the job.

Mike Hill

Mike Hill
N20 #1005