Scooby gives good advice. It's hard work to get sponsorship and you find a lot of dead ends after climbing a lot of steep long roads. I just fell through on one I had put a good deal of energy in - but had every indication that I was about to lock in a multi year sponsorship agreement for the Tybee 500. Be prepared to be let down! Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be better off if I took up a second job and spent the hours there instead of looking for sponsorship!

I have had good luck getting support from great people that are involved in the sailing business. We've got some releases coming out in the next week or so but we're getting some great support from a dealer and some private support elsewhere for our upcoming Tybee 500 run. Work with folks in the industry and be prepared to accept free or discounted equipment. Cash money is very difficult to come by but can be found.

Keep in mind that you are asking for a sponsor to make an investment for which they will expect something in return. Do what you can to optomise their "return". Consider offering to set the boat up and dress in logo'd attire at functions, take people for rides, etc. Make sure you follow up and give the key person that provided you the support some token of the teams appreciation. A nice team photo for the office wall is a good one.

Jake Kohl