That matter has been under discussion for some time, and advice was sought from the officers of the NAF-18 class. I believe the way the race committee is leaning is to change the class rule for the event to require teams under 308-pounds carry 100% of the weight up to 308, and then the normal 50% up to 330-pounds. The manufacturer is only providing the larger sail plan with the boats, and it would be unfair to allow a team to bring a smaller set of sails to be moved from boat to boat in the 'round-robin.

As an example, a team that weighs 300-pounds would carry 8-pounds to get to 308, and then 11-pounds to get 50% of the difference from 308 to 330 (22-pounds). The total weight carried would be 19-pounds, or 9.5 pounds per hull - Class rules regarding the placement of crew corrector weight are also expected to be modified.

Nobody is excited about mucking with the formula, but we're always faced with having to modify class rules slightly to accomodate 'round-robin racing on provided boats.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.