I have recently purchased a tired Taipan 005 as a step up from my Tiger Shark, PT and Windrush and am enjoying redeveloping it...and learning how to drive it.
This forum has been fantastic for that.
I have several cats and am used to storing them mast up on the beach for easy use.
Last month a nasty storm came through and was in the middle of attempting some serious damage to the Taipan when I rescued the situation as best I could.
I had the boat tied down from four points but with the very big gusts
the mast started ocellating wildly, the boat shuddered violently and lifed off and a little damage was done. The locals all aggreed it was the worst blow for twenty years...but still I am hoping to get some ideas to keep the mast up but not destroy the boat.
Also, the boat came with a slight bend at the hounds in the mast. To some degree the person before me has corrected this with diamond tension.
I would like to correct this bend. The local spar maker has said place it between two saw horses and push down with padding at the bend point. I have a fear the type of alluminium used will not be very forgiving of rough treatment or have a sudden catosrophic failure.
Any advise greatly appreciated as I have no sailors of this style of craft near me.
