i weigh about 160, i can easily fly a hull in 8-10 kn with the jib on. when the wind is over about 10 kn i have more fun with the jib off. i sailed a 14 classic for a while so tacking the 16 jibless is easy. i do set up with minimum mast rake. i be very smooth and carve an arc into the wind with minimum tiller pressure while moving to the back of the tramp. i release the main and pay out extra line as the boat goes through head to wind to avoid stopping the boat. the boom should be free to move down 2-3 ft past center on the new leeward side. i move gently across to the new windward side and sheet in smoothly to get going on the new tack, then move up to the front of the tramp and trap out if needed... did i say smooth? i like the simplicity and great view from the front of the tramp while sailing uni.

marsh hawk