But when you import it into Europe you can slaps on some additional 21 % = 17 % VAT and about 4 % import duties. For some EU countries (like Netherlands) this is 23 % = 19 % VAT and 4 % import duties.

Of course the skipping need to be paid as well. Think 1500 Euro's for an individual boat/crate.

I know this from experience.

This means a F14 will be around 12.750 Euro's for me personally if I would go that route here in NL.

About same price as a standard Stealth F16 which comes with a jib setup for that price as well.

Now you know why the F16 class has been so focussed on getting local builders in the past. This is absolutely critical in growing the class internationally.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands