We let out on the jib, and feel that it helps to bring the bow up, dont know why tough.
Otherwise we do it much like Bob describes, except that crew often goes in a bit before the offset mark to start setting the spi. If it is really windy, we let the main twist off and use the traveller for control. If it is reasonably windy, not exessive, skipper controls 'hull altitude' with the mainsheet.

Ref: http://www.tornadoforbundet.se/images/gallery/_DSC3197.JPG

Sailing in strong winds is mostly practice and getting (over)confident. Small cats are able to take on incredible amounts of weather if the crew can handle the boat. Turning downwind or returning upwind is one of the difficult points, especially if you are sailing around marks and want to do it tactically. But keeping speed up, a light but firm hand on the tiller and using the main traveller+sheet as power control are the keys to it in my opinion.