The girls usually desert us when the boats are being set up but a rareing to go once they are.

I met my wife at a H16 Nationals and we still race together after 14 years and a couple of kids. If you want to continue sailing I seriously reccomend finding a girl who enjoys it as much or more than you. I know too many people who ended up packing it up altogether or just have to put up with a bunch of crap when trying to go do something that takes so much time like sailing.

My daughter is starting to race with me now, but that is causing some friction because my wife gets upset if I sail without her. Like you said above though, her job on shore is to be our social director. I have always set up the boat and she has the uncanny knack of showing up right as the last knot is getting tied. There is not anybody I would rather have pulling my strings though.
