I've been in situations where it payed to do either of these opposing things, it came down to specifics to determine which was best. For me control is most often the deciding factor. Most often I hike out as Paul does. I don't have toestraps yet, but I really do want them as in certain short waves I want to trap as well to prevent the bows from burying to much. If I sit in then, I find that the boat both stops and wants to capsize. With one on the wire it tends do punch throught the next wave and not heel as much.

I've sailed through the fleet of F18's at my club both when trapezing and when not trapezing in very similar conditions. I couldn't tell you why. I just did what felt fast at the time. I always decide at the moment what is best.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands