The tornado weights have not changed much over the years. Everything I have read indicates that the hulls had to be less than 100 lbs to build to minimum weight. The minimum weight has really not changed over the years so the hull weights have been relatively consistent. The success of Marstrom has not been because they are lighter than the rest, it is because they are stiffer and more durable than the rest. This done by using a thicker core material, autoclave pre-preg S-glass (which reduces the resin content of the layup giving more glass per sq. ft. of the hull) and really understanding the loads and where to re-inforce the hulls.

I used to think you could get close to the Marstrom build quality with less exotic techniques (vacuum bagging and slightly elevated cure temeratures), but the reality is you cannot. Maybe you can get to 90% but you will not quite get to 100%.

Todd Nacra 20