Hi there,

It's the days of the waning summer, fast approaching the haunting

season. After some painstaking research, a name and face for

Surfergirl has been established (see attached). I wish to

thank all the old timers who have emailed with information, she was a

sight back then with her riding the trampoline.

The boat has a history of teenage hearts broken, destruction on the

waves etc from the days of beachin (1964-1975)in California.

Well last night my wife finally photographed an image in the area we

are working on her. Please email will send if interested. No its not

a reflection or some other condition, scent of honeysuckle always

precedes a sighting.

I penned a poem in a trance last night.

GHOST Hobie "14" by Owner of Surfergirl

high above the beach

I can see her now

cold November eve

ghost Hobie

sailing whom knows where

ghost Hobie

cross her bow if you dare

no lights at all

to warn a passing freighter

no sailors aboard to guide her

phantom Hobie

a vision in my head

just a haunting memory

as I lie back in bed

grey and worn green

and silver wake behind

dips beneath the surface

ghost Hobie, spirit bride

twenty inches deep

take me for a ride

no one else could see her

was she really there?

Illusion on the beach

more than I could bear

a passing glance

180 pounds of fiberglass and steel

in a midnight trance

I could see the girl at her keel

fog and Shadow

journey through the night

a dark grey and worn green Hobie called Surfergirl

beautiful and tragic

partially destroyed over quarter century later

mysterious and magic

It is by fate I that shall date her

Many of old shriek a warning

It is cursed that old Hobie of days gone by

By a spirit to has sliced 16, 18 and 20's in two

By night and day I toil while the voice repeats when, when

I answer the spirit you will be back again

So on some night when the sails are filled with wind

Say a prayer for the sailor whom adorns the Surfergirl

And never cross her bow

Beware the days of old all you restorers.


Attached Files
10760-stories_pam1.jpg (28 downloads)