Regrettably I am no longer able to devote so much voluntary time to this activity, so I am pleased to announce that Nick Dewhirst has agreed to take over as Chairman, so enabling me to focus driving the SCHRS rule forward as Technical Director.

Nick brings a great deal of experience of the international catamaran scene, as Sprint 15 Class Chairman for twenty years, UKCRA Chairman since 2001 and, since the Olympic issue arose, also as Secretary General of the International Multihull Council.

In terms of how this effects the people we serve, i.e. you, the sailors, not much will change.

I will continue to be the first contact point for all queries regarding ratings, I will continue to manage the day-to-day administration of rating boats and will also drive the SCHRS rating rule forward.

Nick will be responsible for more of the “front of House” and liason, and to this effect, Nick will be travelling to the F18 worlds to meet with a number of people to discuss some issues pertinent to the continuing success of the SCHRS rule and international co-operation in general.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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