Anybody have any experience with this with a Corsair? They have a picture on their site of a Farrier using one in a marina. I'm curious, it looks like a good way to keep the boat in a slip without lots of bottom paint.
Keith, two systems are in use in New Orleans. There are some photos there of the F-31 on the F-Boat Forum, go to the Yahoo forum, then the photo section, then to the AirDock folder. There is also an F-242 using airdocks in the same marina. They have been using them for over two years, and both sailors think they are great.
I had seen the pictures on the yahoo site. All the pictures I've seen of these in use are in perfectly still waters. The marina I trailer sail from is not quite as protected - I was wondering if these things work well if there's some chop up.
Also, what size would be desired, or if there is anything custom to the air dock setup to handle the tri. This looks like a great way to avoid putting paint all over the amas...