The Tybee 500 was again a great cat racing experience --thanks so much to all .-

please see the team web site if interested
Current thoughts by the race organizers are--
The event may be restricted to the I-20 only next year -
along with A seperate FORMULA 18 CLASS --
Many like the concept of Formula classes --particularly suited to this type of event -
Both a FORMU7LA 18 and FORMULA 20 class would open the event up to not only I-20 sailors ,but numerous others which will help grow the event and hopefully help provide the imputus for more international competion as well .
It would seem time to refine the US Formula 20 concepts and rules with more 20 sailors and dedicated Tybee 50 sailors input ---Several revisions and modifications are needed -but ,-current rules outlines are here -- We will attempt to organize a group of committed TYBEE 500 sailors and others and with the blessing of the race organizers hammer out a good set of US FORMULA 20 rules -which are based on the current I-20 specs,-with the intent of having the next TYBEE 500 a FORMULA 18 AND FORMULA 20 EVENT ,-in two seperate classes .
There are numerous excellent existing 20 FT CATS that are built to or can be modified to or currently fit within the max rules outlines,-again with the intent of helping the event grow and sport with it .
The Tybee 500 will be on OLN T V in June -