Who would ever want to talk about a dog of a boat like a Hobie 20??? Ha! Just kidding, Wendell! ;-) <br> <br>See you in a couple of weeks! <br> <br>Tim J. <br>Hobie 20 #541 <br>Bald Eagle Yacht Club, Fleet 52 <br>White Bear Lake, MN<br><br>
Tim D. Johnson
Hobie 20 #690
Bald Eagle Yacht Club, Fleet 52
I'm not sure I would be happy to see each boat type (there must be dozens of active classes) break up into little fiefdoms. Would the H20 sailors not be willing to answer questions from H16 sailors? Would the I17 and I20 sailors turn their backs on each other? Would newer sailors miss out on the great experiences of from older sailors posted in a more "advanced" class forum? Would we all miss out on great sailing stories and other general interest items which were only posted in a narrow forum? I kind of like having one big cat forum, and I find it is easy to skip the stuff with a subject line which doesn't appear to interest me.<br><br>What do you all think?<br><br>Alan Thompson<br>H14/H16/P16/TheMightyHobie18/H20/P18-2/P19/I20/I17 (owned several, sailed 'em all)<br><br><br>
Re: Do we really want to....
[Re: whitecaps]
#73 06/18/0105:15 PM06/18/0105:15 PM
Here,here!! Lets not be clanish. Cross train. Its sailor info and general news I'm after. Not boat specific stuff all the time, but thats interesting enough, so let's leave it so you can check it in passing. An awfull lot of people check the sight realquick and dont want to fiddle around ... Hmm let me see... by boat or sailor?? <br><br>
Breaking up Forum into Class? Naw!#74 06/20/0112:35 PM06/20/0112:35 PM
I think that breaking up the Forum will just have the effect of spreading things out too far and wide. And stuff that is good for the H20 is also good for any number of other classes. <br>After all, one of the main goals of Mary's magazine and this site is to unite all multihull sailor under one roof. Perhaps this will lead to multihullers having more say in the overall scheme of things. <br>For example, we all know there are a lot more monohull sailors in the world than multihullers. Yet, this site has united so many multihull people that it is the largest site in the world for sailors of any kind. Go figure! And no other site is even close, not US Sailing, nor Sailing World, Sail Magazine, et al. <br> <br>I know you all wonder why then the Hobie 16 Forum. That is because you all picked on them so much. And they still visit this Forum, it is just that when they discuss a 16 problem they don't want flamed by some high-tech genius. <br> <br>And the others there are either Division, Class, or some other specific Forum just for those folks. And, by the way, that can be available to others, if you feel it would help. <br>You might notice that we took Fleet 45 off. They wanted their own Forum, but then when installed, they never used it. <br><br>
Re: Breaking up Forum into Class? Naw!
[Re: ]
#75 06/20/0101:12 PM06/20/0101:12 PM
Rick, <br>I'd like to suggest a "Test" forum way down at the end of the forums list so that users could test adding HTML, pictures, or just see how posting works without looking dumb when they were trying to make a point. <br> <br>Really like the new forum. Thanks <br><br>
Re: Do we really want to....
[Re: whitecaps]
#76 06/21/0103:43 AM06/21/0103:43 AM
I agree with whitecaps on this one... too many boat-specific forums will sort of detract from the great pool of knowledge that's here and available to us all. If Carl Roberts only posted in the RC27 forum, a great number of us newer cat enthusiasts would miss out on his great advice, just to create one example. <br> <br>I look at postings that may have a bearing on the type of boat I sail, even if it isn't the exact same type; most practices and thories apply across the classes and it would be a shame (not to mention a pain in the @$$) to have to go into all the class-specific forums to hunt for the good advice that people share in this general forum. <br> <br>Granted, if there's an in-depth discussion on how to measure a H16 for class legality, I wouldn't miss it being in their pages, but so much of the other info and advice is too valuable to hide from most readers of this website. <br> <br>I don't know who said it first, but: "Can't we all just get along?" ;-) <br> <br>Cheers, <br> <br>--pat.<br><br>