On August 17 & 18 Hobie fleet 495 from Des Moines Iowa will be hosting the Div 7 Champs. Last year there where twenty Hobie 20's attending. All from out of town: Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Missouri. The word is out and I think it is possible to exceed 25 Hobie 20's that will make the trip this year. I thought I should pass this information along to anyone within a day's drive of Des Moines and urge you to make the trip. The Des Moines group puts on a great show and from what I hear Means Davis will be acting as PRO and also lecturing on Friday. Check out the Div 7 website at hobiecatdivison7.com for all the details and directions. The Tigers/F18 is an awesome and growing class but the proof is in Des Moines the 20 class is still going strong. See you there.

PS Since I am promoting someone else's event I should do them the favor of asking anyone who is considering attending preregister or at least contact someone in their fleet because it is the right thing to do. This way the can accomodate the attendance better.