Added note: This is an open event. First come first served.
We are only going to allow 20 teams to participate in Long Beach this year. On line registration is coming up according to US SAILING on Monday 1-29-07. This is a new system so be patient. If you have any problems call Liz Walker at US SAILING 401-683-0800. She can help you with the forms.
January 23, 2007
To: All Junior Sailors
Subject: Youth Multihull Championship
Hi Guys,
This year US SAILING and NACRA Catamaran have teamed together to bring an exciting new boat to the 2007 youth championship regatta called a SL 16. This boat has a spinnaker, twin traps and lots of buoyancy in the hulls so it can be driven hard both down wind and up wind. Square top main, jib and spinnaker with snuffer all combine to make this boat the newest vessel in catamaran sailing. It’s all been designed especially for youth sailors up to 18 years old.
The Class Association can be found at and note in the class rules there is no weight limitations. This means you decide who and when to use the right crew weight to your best advantage. As always though, you are expected to have the ability to right the boat. So learn at the clinic how and practice this maneuver.
When you arrive at the web site above you will find an organization called the:
North American Youth Multihhull Class Association
It’s a new group forming to help youth sailors get into catamarans. We want to work with sailing organizations that teach sailing and want to include catamarans in their programs. We have plans available that will work with these groups to place new SL16’s where they will be used the most. So, if you are sailing out of a club, school or other organization, let them know about what we are doing to help put catamarans in their hands.
US SAILING has our 2007 Youth Multihull Championship Regatta NOR available at you in Long Beach March 29th – April1st
AJS [color:"blue"] [/color]