Go ahead and try talking to these people for sponsership and see how far you get even Johm Lovell had a hard time getting sponcership for the Olympics he paid for it mostly out of his pocket. I tried and got the same thing, most of our money is already tied up in NASCAR and there is no television coverage so there not interested in just throughing money away regardless of how much they have on us. We don't matter to them Hell give them a call I'm sure that Bert won't mind, neither will anyone else and you will be the hero that saved us all and the campionship ! ! ! !
And tuning does matter a boat tuned to your crew wieght is always going to faster, that is the beauty of equal boats it's up to the team not your boat and the best team will win not the team that shows up with the best tuned boat for there crew wieght. Give Ideas not critizium that is what this thread is for. So donate your boat and let them tune 10 the same and let the games begin ! ! ! ! !