. . .I don't know what point you were making about that. Should we stop growing food in large parcels by people trained for a specific crop and return to subsistence farming? I know of no agricultural area that doesn't suffer from each and every point you outlined.

My point is: trees take a long time to reach maturity and citrus is not a staple crop. Solar "farming" can become profitable much more quickly. It's just a better business plan.

Corn, wheat, soybeans, melons and most vegetable crops are annuals. In fact, corn is a "heavy feeder" and depletes soil quickly. Soy beans are a legume and actually enrich soil. That kind of crop rotation has been sound agronomic practice for decades, probably for centuries.

When you invest in citrus it is a decades long committment.

Last edited by Tikipete; 03/27/07 08:14 PM.