I love to crew on this boat. I loved Tad's discription that it was like hanging off the side of a runaway locomotive. You can feel the power of it. When it starts really singing you feel like it would plow through anything.

As far as pulling the strings on one, I don't have much trouble in light or moderate wind but if it starts to heat up a bit that big chute wears on me pretty quickly. I can still do it, but not very effectively. By the third or fourth set in wind at 15 or more I am pretty much just hanging on to the sheet. I wish I could tell you differently but my upper body strength is just not the same as a man's.

If you knew me, you would know how much it kills me to admit that.

If a girl is going to be really good crew for this boat I think she would have to be serious about it. It is not something I could just do casually and expect to do well in heavier air.

I am getting my weights out after I post this.