It is hard to explain b/c it SUCKS!!! No getting around it. After you spend 10 or so hours on the same side of the boat on the wire, you butt hurts, your hands are tired and your feet are falling asleep. However, the adrenaline burn you get while rounding something like Cape Hatteras with all the people watching and the mayhem going on around you (monster pissups and capsizes)... it can't be replicated anywhere else.

Leaving the beach on the outer banks when it's blowing 35+ off shore doing a close reach on the edge of disaster, but consistently clocking HIGH 20's (bouncing off 30's) while the boat makes these insane howling noises and does what we call the "inter 20 wheelie" It is something that can never be described and has to be experienced to truly appreciate.

Oh... the night legs... there is no describing that. I'll throw this at you. 2am, 18 miles offshore of Myrtle Beach, double trapped at 25mph and only a couple of hours ago, you rounded a rock jetty that you couldn't see in the dark with the spinnaker up... after dodging fishing boats and sand bars...

However..... you have to be able to appreciate something like this to enjoy it.... ie. it's not for everyone. I still don't like tropical punch gatoraid!! Would I do it again? YES, in a second!! (however next time as a skipper or with a better skipper)

Last edited by Will_R; 05/15/07 04:17 PM.