The BBQ is already there, but I dunno about the wet T shirt contest <img src="" alt="" /> How do you make the girls go for that and what would the female sailors say about it?

To answer Mary first. There are quite a lot of cats and fast dinghys in fact, but dispersed over most of the coast and very rarely gathered together. I think the owners are either not interested in racing, dont think the are "good enough", think they have too poor sails or dont have any events to go to.

1, Where is it ? - No-one likes sailing in a craphole
2, The boats, who will be there etc - No point going if no-one else is
3, The cost.

4, the forecast...
To attract people you need an angle.
Can you get emails sent to anyone weho might want to go? Can you get all the clubs in the area to put up flyers ? Class associations ?

Nice list, thank you. I guess what we are looking for is the angle.. Unfortunately free beer either at the party or as prizes are not possible. Very political uncorrect and we might have participants under 18, which is the legal age. Prize money is a possibility, but I dont think that would attract those who know they will not win.
You will get to blast past multi-million boats by the score, and maybe even the king on one of his IMS racers <img src="" alt="" /> Other suggestions?