Thanks for the ideas Mary.
I am not sorry at all but grateful, this is just what I asked for and what we need to consider to pull it off. Suggestions for day two? Most teams would want to pack up and go home early on sunday, but if something spectacular was to happen..

The party and BBQ is on saturday as that is when most boat finish. The Faerder racers start on friday morning, sail most of the night and finish saturday morning. Here is a map of the course:
What we consider is having a distance race from Son (marked as "Start skøyter Son" on the map) and finish in Horten with the rest of the boats. This is the same course the old traditional Colin Archer designs sail.

Beer is very important to the sailors of course, but providing free beer would be very, very, politically incorrect upwards in the system. With norwegian drinking habits beeing what they are, I wonder how much sailing would be done next day unless there was a limit. I have never been to an event where the beer was free here in Norway. In Germany on the other hand, we paid for the mug while the beer was free. <img src="" alt="" />

Now, what would be spectacular and draw sailors to day #2?