I notice that people say alot of things. And I can't best rebut any statements in the following way.

If you think that P16 sails well (Pitchpoling ?) than you'll be happy with the P18 (similar or less pitchpoling than the P16)

About bouyancy in the hull, there are far more factors that determine picthpole characteristics. One of those factors is length : width ratio. Ofcourse the P16 and P18 are of equal width with the P18 being longer. Another factor is mastheight and sailarea and so on.

Simple looking at bow volume and saying "That'll Pitchpole like a Dolphin" is indicative of reduced understanding of catamaran design.

A little more info on the Prindles :

The Prindle family can be devided in two branches.

Branch 1 : P15 : P16; P18 : Escape

Branch 2 : P18-2 and P19

Both branches were designed in different periods (exception is Escape) Branch 1 is of 1974 to late 70's and branch 2 is from 1984 to late 80's

Branch 2 is noticable more race oriented and can be compared to Nacras and Hobie's of the same time frame (N5.5; N5,8 TheMightyHobie18, H20)

Branch 1 had as main competition the H16, Dart 18 and G-cats.

Branch 1 : is noticably simpler in design. but also far more robust and will resist abuse far better.

It is my personal opinion that Branch two is better suited to affordable recreational sailing. As many know I'm current upgrade to a High Performance race boat, but I have decided to keep my P16 (Just sold my P18) Why, because in 20 knots and more I just love sailing that craft solo or with a crew and I don't have to fear sandbars or landing back onto the beach with 15 knots of boat speed.

I also love it's simplicity, especially under heavy conditions. And it is a boat that I won't hesitate lending out to someone else.

So when you say :"I do like the P-16 a lot, so a P 18-2 or P 19 sounds pretty inviting.... "

My reaction would be :" If you like the P-16 alot than the P18 should be on top of the pretty inviting list"

I fact it is just a bigger P16 with some extra performance and extra weight carrying capacity.

With respect to being of equal performance upwind as a P16; That is not my experience although I can see that a P16 sailed at its optimal weight 135 kg's (300 lbs) and a P18 sailed at it's optimal weight of 160 Kg's (just over 350 lbs) would be more similar in speed. But ofcourse for crew of the same weight the P18 would be faster.

I've talked about the Prindles in specific by this does not mean that other boats suggested are attractive.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands