Okay, time for me to put my to pesos in. I agree with rake back, works on a lot of other types of boats so why not a fully battened main. Unfortunately the 28Rs are limited to rake with the current rigging set up (wire/turnbuckle) but that could change when ever the class goes modern and goes precourt. No precout debates as the biggest advantage to going precourt in a class is rigging and derigging the boat, not the weight savings as a class if everyone shaves the same weight. The biggest concern is crew safety. As the rig goes back so does that boom. When I wore a kayak/wakeboard helmet at KWRW it was to protect my noggin after we adjusted to more rake aft. It is obvious to me that the rest of you clowns don't believe that I had anything in my noggin to protect, but.... Anyhow, with further rake, the boom comes back down lower into the ****. The protection time is prestart when the crew is in that position and the boom is going back and forth quite a bit. The second issue is at the top mark, when the main comes flying down in that breeze. That and heavy weahter tacks when the main is realesed early. Something to think about. But don't go with a bicycle helmet as that is designed for a single hit and throw away, go with the kayak/wakeboard helmets. IOther than that, sheet in like hell, pray Cliff isn't on Port Tack and hang on! Weeeee HAAAA