I was a victim of de-masting last year in the Gulf of Mexico on my Hobie 18 when my anchor pin broke. When I went to signal my friends (all of whom were at least a ½ mile ahead of me on much faster cats) I then learned my air horn was empty.

Luckily they saw me and came back for me… We gathered my rigging and they towed me to the closest land (Caladisi Island) where I used spare G-Cat parts to anchor my port stay.

I happened to see the sailing shop guy on the beach the next day.. and told him my tale. He responded with, “Yes, Hobie’s are notorious for anchor pin falure. You should replace them every year.” I looked at him and said,” you have been working on my various Hobie’s for 8 years... now you tell me this? A day late…. Don’t ya think!!!!”

All you Hobie'ers be warned... carry spares or replace annually