Well, if an F16 were to beat the most modern C-class then the uni-rigs really do have a serious problem, won't they ?

Why not much up an F16 against IDEC 2 ? Is that dissimilar enough for you ?

Ohh, yeah I forgot, IDEC 2 is also a sloop.

Hey ?!!!

Lets race an C-class against IDEC 2 across the oceans. That'll show the superiority of the uni-rig, I'm sure !

We all know it and have known it for centuries. Sloops outperform uni-rigs around a race course in all situation except the single situation where the sail area is so severly limited in overall area that it implicetly rules out jibs by definition.

That is like saying that the best boxer is the guy with only one arm as he won his matches against all other boxers who tied (at least) one arm to their backs.

Still doesn't say a damn thing about what happens when "the other" boxer can use both arms if he has them.

Hey, look how stupid Ellen Mac, Francis Joyon and Franck Camma are. They could have bested the round the world record much better if they had used a uni-rig ! Hell, any A-cat sailors could have told them that uni-rigs are so much more efficient that it is actually slower to try to break the records using a jib or, God forbid, that oversized jib called a "code O" or "screacher".

And those spinnakers, HAH !

Ever seen a spinnaker on a C-class or used in an A-class race ?

Surely this proofs that they are just useless pieces of cloth hanging out in front.

What more evidence do we need to confirm the fact that F18's never beat A-cats in a straight up course race.

If a spinnaker was in any way effective then the true innovators of the catamaran sailing scene, the A-cat sailors, would have invented, developped and incorporated it long before any other mortal would. The fact that they didn't is sufficient proof to its ineffectiveness.

If only we all pray to the A-cat God ! And stop our races after reaching the A-mark.


Dirk, are you sailing an A-cat ? Because it sure doesn't look that way with that big green spinnaker out in front. I guess you are slower that way when sailing downwind then when sailing with only a mainsail (uni-rig) right ? Right ? I mean no C-class design is using spinnakers right ?

Last edited by Wouter; 01/24/08 12:40 PM.