Not really...

Considering the straps alone, not fixed to the beam :
stiffness is different for the 90 and 0 degree plane on the rectangular cross section strap, while for the rod stiffness is equal in both planes.

1. If the cross section area is enough for the tension loads (and a safety factor) what relevance has the cross section shape (other than ease of mounting to the beam) ?
2. The flat strap adds rigidity in the horizontal plane but I can't see how it adds higher rigidity in the VERTICAL plane compared to rod (again -as long as the cross section area is enough for the loads).

SS has a tensile breaking strength of 5300kg/sq cm
that means a 6mm diam rod can withstand aprox 1500kg of tension or 147Mpa. Is it enough ?

Come on guys, need answers for this.

Gareth - stiffness is related to material distribution in a given cross section, not necessarily higher than rod for a certain cross section area. For example for a given cross section area you can draw several shapes with different stiffness manifested in different planes. The idea is that the whole thing (beam+d striker and straps) should be stiff.

And another thing, am I on topic ? Should we put this on the Homebuild forum ?

Last edited by isvflorin; 04/11/08 11:43 AM.
