All I remember from Saturday was wind noise, spray and lots of boats on their sides. Conditions were rough enough that some of the Uni guys doubled up. If I hadn't had a big beefy crew I wouldn't even have rigged Saturday.

Sunday was a mix of everything: fog, low hanging clouds, light shifty wind, stronger shifty winds and bright sunshine. Some nice spinnaker runs without feeling you were taking your life in your hands!

We had quite a "Northern" invasion and they did very well, as a group and individually. I hope they all had a good time and will come again next year.

Friday night was registration at Gordon's. Weather was miserable, but there was plenty of food and a little rum.

Saturday night was dinner at the club, more rum and the traditional fire pit.

Sunday afternoon was pizza and plenty of drinks.

Gil and Kathleen made it over from Belgium and seemed to be enjoying themselves. So, all in all it was a great weekend.

The Viper is a gorgeous boat and Robbie and Matt had it smokin'. So with three builders to choose from, I'd say the F16 fleet is in very good shape.