I definitely get overpowered in big wind ...
If I don’t have crew I will furl the jib.

I find a fair amount of weather helm on my mystere 5.5 when I furl the jib. I can handle it, but I feel it.

Also tacking usually requires either very tight main sheet during the tack, or if I blow that... i have to reverse the tillers (all the way), and then push the boom away from me to complete the tack. It took me a while to get the feel for that...

If I get in shallows with no jib, and my centerboards kick up.... I have to do an immediate jibe! Or I am toast... I either have to jump off and move the boat, or pull the rudders and float backwards till I am deep enough...

Last edited by andrewscott; 04/02/08 04:45 PM.