Weightwise, I don't think the Getaway would be too heavy to pull out of the water using a decent sedan.

The getaway weights in at 390 lbs and then figure in another 350 for the trailer.

My H16 weighs in at 340 and the OLD trailer weighs in at 380 and my Ford Focus can pull it out. It had to gunt a little on the steep ramp, but it did it. Now a gravel ramp......no chance in moving it.

I grew up around power boats, water skiing, and have to admit that the width of a H20 is goign to be the biggest pain when maneuvering the trailer in tight quarters.

A H20 is going to be much much wider than the car or an 18 foot skiff, so backing it into a parking spot will be tough.

Last edited by Tri_X_Troll; 04/14/08 12:17 PM.

Ryan - H16 I prefer to go sailing because baseball, football, tennis, and golf only require 1 ball!