DUDE!!!! So what you're saying is those of us that drive the speed limit or below should stay off the interstate? Interesting!

No. Mary said that doing 50 on the interstate with traffic going by at 70mph felt dangerous. That's where I said you should stay off the interstate.

Pointing out my own mistakes Jake? Come on man! Everyone has made a mistake going down the road. It happens.

I'm digging a hole here, but it's my opinion. You're just as screwed hitting an immovable object at 55mph, or 70, or 170. The only difference is you has less time to figure out you've F'd up. At 30mph if you piled into the preverbial brick wall you wouldn't come out of it very well.

There is absolutely NO reason you can't go zipping through the middle of butt-punch Montana/Kansas/Iowa/Wyoming/the Dakota's/anywhere people aren't at 95-100mph +.

If you're curious "butt-punch" is my way of saying middle of nowhere. As in no people. For those in a less rural area than I am accustomed to, this doesn't apply. If you haven't experienced the shear hell of driving entirely across the Dakota's or Montana you may not understand this either. There is nothing to hit.