Now that it is more or less established that Frenchie is right and that the mid twenties (knots) is the benchmark top speed for beach cats, it is time to discuss how to go faster.

In this regards, I can tell you that the second US Catri 27 already sailed at sustained speeds of 27 knots in flat waters and the crew is confident to surpass 30 knots. Actually, there is talk of a Catri 22 surpassing 32 knots in Holland.

If we consider that the Catri is almost a cruising boat, with cabin, head, kitchen, engine and amenities, it is clear that foils are a rather convenient solution for achievieng higher speed in multihulls.

The problems of complexity, poor upwind and low pressure performance of the Trifoiler and Rave are minimized or inexistent in the Catri.

Based on this boat, I expect to see foils used in more beach cats (or beach multihulls) very soon - probably also with planing aids (like flaps), steps and other smart tricks - but certainly with the simplicity of concept of the Catri.

