I dont know if the program worked, or if they just managed to peak at a good time. I would think the latter, they won that silver on skill. The other teams in the program did not have similar results, and the austrian team won without being part of the program.

Hmm, IMO the three teams did very well in the light air conditions and again IMO they had an edge in equipment. The issue was the other teams COULD NOT BUY OR AQUIRE the cuben sail material or masts until after the Olympics. It's not knowable if the equipment was decisive, and edge or irrelevenant. Hagara was and probably still is the top light air sailor ever in the class and his win was not unexpected in the light air conditions of Greece... just like in the unexpected light air conditions in Australia

but my opinion is irrelevant... The class and ISAF felt they had an edge and immedietely put in legislation to close the rules loopholes they exploited.

Now I think the flat spinaker idea issue is a just a little different and not pushing the rules enveleope quite like the mast and sail material program. This is a design issue that matches up to your weather forcasting, current forcast, sailing conditions, team weight etc etc. Is ISAF happy with this turn of events? ... Probably not... they think the laser is the perfect boat for Olympics and did not think far enough ahead to order a girth rule for the spin shapes to cut this area off. (Again in my opinion it's one of those issues that ISAF just knows that membes of the Tornado class will be pushing the rules and one of the reason's it does not like the Tornado class) .... The issue for then is...can a poor country design and test spinakers for the olympics to the same degree as the US?)

Now, the class and ISAF has always allowed sails to be customized and so I think customizing the spin is the same kind of thing. It's an individual choice kind of thing. If you think the current downwind is a big factor in the race... you could decide the risk/reward shifts to the flat upwind chute.

Every team is taking their best shot on a generally agreed upon playing field. Is there an advantage for well funded programs... You bet... the field is not level but everyone was prepared for this game.

Evaluating the design will be good fun!
