- originally the 5.2 had cables above the tramp as in your pic, cables are about 18inches in from the hulls. they need to be there or the jib won't trim correctly upwind

- later on the cable went below the tramp, with 2 slots into the tramp so the could be brought above the tramp to connect the blocks, AND closer in to the hulls, 12inches? the last pic shows a modified tramp with the cables running mainly below so you can't see them

- your pic shows a 2nd half length cable that the block also is attached to. the long cable keeps the block from moving sideways and the short cable prevents it being blown forward along the wire

- my 5.2 doesn't have the half length cable. instead i have a length of dyneema that is knotted at the rear eyelet, brought forward with the cable and then a loop is tied around the cable. the block is connected around the cable and through the loop

the advantage of having the rear end knotted is that as you are sailing you can watch the jib's upper tell-tail and if the top one breaks first then the block should be moved forward. to do this just undo the knot at the rear beam and retie it a little further along. this should allow the block to move forward along the cable

- if there is no becket on the blocks you may be able to make one with a loop on dyneema. the main block on my 5.2 has no becket either so the previous owner made a loop coming up from just above the rachet wheel. the white line in the attached pic

Attached Files
159850-harkenblocks.JPG (117 downloads)

eric e
1982 nacra 5.2 - 2158
2009 weta tri - 294