Well, as member of the Texel Rating committee I might be a bit biased, but sure, I’d rather see Texel Rating.
<br>Some points:
<br>The Texel rating is in fact a further development of the older IOMR rating, where the idea was to keep the formula’s as simple as possible. This is done by Nico Boon, and it is simplify’d a lot, the formula is way easier (also easier to understand), and gives almost the same results as the original rating system.
<br>The Isaf rating is still based on the older IOMR rule, which is rather complex, and more prone to “loopholes”
<br>For a more detailed description, have a look at www.texelraing.knwv.nl , the link “Why Texel Rating”
<br>Sure there are small some differences, between ISAF and Texel, for the spinnakers I can say the differences are rather small:
<br>The penalty for a spi (3 points) is because the spi area was calculated as 7% effective sail area.
<br>To keep thing simple we decided for this 3 points rule, and different spi area limits according the size of the boat.
<br>(Otherwise all boats with a spi must have an individual rating)
<br>Isaf does almost the same thing, the rate the Spi area as being 10% effective sailarea, but:
<br>First the sail area of the jib will be deducted from the spi area, and this smaller area will be used.
<br>This is in fact a rule from “the old day’s” when the jib was just a hinder behind the symmetrical spi, on heavy monohulls.
<br>In general, the penalty for spi’s will not differ much between Isaf and Texel, but Isaf does make individual ratings, depending on the spi size. In my idea it a problem for the race committee’s, and splitting the classes even more.
<br>About being recognised, don’t be too sure, there are a lot of country’s where Texel Rating is used, also because it can be used for the bigger catamaran’s/tri’s.
<br>And indeed, our system is open, all the rules are on the Internet, but also the measured data/formula’s entire also etc. on which the rating is based are on this site.
<br>So if anyone is in any doubt about his rating, the parameters can be checked on this site.
<br>So my vote is to choose a simple solution, as long as the results are what you want, and think are fair.