Robi, that's a pretty fair representation of the beginning of the situation, but we were further out from the finish line. As we got closer, he caught up and had an overlap as we approached the finish line.

So, now I am confused because we have heard you can take another boat above the finish line as long as you go yourself (only a good idea if team racing) and also you must give "room to round" to the inside boat. So, which is it?

And as far as proper course, in shifty lake winds, is there such a thing? Several times I was coming into A mark on what I was sure was the layline, only to get headded and have to tack twice to get there.

So on other occasions when I would get a lift coming into A, I would ride it high of the layline, expecting another headder before I got there. Same applies with the finish line. If we had got a signifcant headder before the finish, he might have laid the line, I would have had to tack to get up to it, so any time you are sailing below close hauled going upwind, you are risking what is proper course?

Blade F16