Kirt (and others) are sooo right about that crowd thing,..this uni-rig, does not like crowds,...the boat just sits there,, at starts, if I cannot get free and clear fast,..I tack out and go on my merry way,.....

..this uni needs free, undisturbed air to perform..

...funny thing on the downwind, latter races at BVI Regatta, I followed the P-19MX angle,..he goes about 80 degrees downwind ( he-wild max all the time, me, just as fast as I can go -mild),....when I did, he could not put distance on me,...that was before I started doing the 170 downwind, we will see in race #1 what happens,...

...we want to run 4 to 5 races a day on Saturday and Sunday,..2 on monday,...will give you a www. so you can follow..

..a I-20 non spin with a rating of 100 is one powerful machine,.....anyone can win this race,....gonna be fun..

..thanks to Kirt and all!
