Originally Posted by Mugrace72
Originally Posted by Jake

There are two schools of thought:

1) give portsmouth the help it needs to continue.
2) go strictly to a measurement based system (personally, I'm not a fan of this and will be glad to discuss in more detail)
3) design a combined system that utilizes the strengths of both the portsmouth and measurement based systems to overcome the weaknesses of both.

There's no need to reinvent a new wheel here - there are successful measurement based systems and successful performance based systems. Consequently they both have polar opposing strengths weaknesses that could benefit from the other.

I am only proposing a face to face meeting at this point for some discussion that might involve RUM DRINKS.

I too am sceptical of a measurement system, but it seems they are popular elsewhere.

I never liked PH because of the flaws and apathy in the reporting process.

PHRF works better assuming you have handicappers who are totally unbiased.

A measurement system eliminates personalities and incomplete/flawed reporting data.

Of course the formula has to be sound, but it seems the homework has been in the EU arena.

I would want not dismantle or impede PH in any way.

If you'll allow me to remove the "might" in that statement by bringing some supplies, you got it. grin

Jake Kohl